Stelrad scores SILVER in sustainability assessment

With the silver score, Stelrad achieved a particularly good result in the international EcoVadis sustainability assessment. This strong score justifies the many continued efforts that our employees have made towards sustainable business in recent years. With this assessment, we are among the best 25% companies in our sector. This excellent result is also a strong incentive to do even better in the future.

Silver as an overall score

By repeating this annual sustainability assessment, we can monitor our progress in a targeted manner. Naturally, we like to keep our customers and employees informed of the results of our efforts.

Four themes, 21 indicators

In total, EcoVadis includes performance on 21 indicators within four themes:

  1. Environment
  2. Labour and human rights
  3. Ethics
  4. Sustainable procurement

Our goal is to heat homes sustainably

Stelrad has been committed to sustainable business for many years now, based on our vision ‘Our goal is to heat homes sustainably’. Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy has four pillars:

  • Further shaping the future of home heating
  • Minimising our impact on the environment
  • Striving for an excellent workplace
  • Operating to the highest industry standards

Assessing sustainability objectively

Thanks to EcoVadis we can objectively assess our efforts in the field of sustainable business and clearly visualize them for our customers. More than 90,000 companies from 160 countries use this internationally recognised methodology to evaluate their efforts in sustainable business.

These companies are situated in more than 200 sectors, which also allows to determine one’s position within a specific sector. Via questionnaires and score cards, EcoVadis analyses the extent to which a company integrates the internationally recognised sustainability standards – including ISO26000, Global Reporting Initiative and the United Nations Global Compact – into the day-to-day business organisation and management approach.

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